Borehole construction and development are techniques employed in the exploitation and management of
groundwater. A review of the design, construction, development and maintenance of boreholes around Owerri was
undertaken with the aim of finding a lastinl; solution to problems associated with borehole drilling in the area.
Groundwater occurs abundantly in the coastal plain sands (Benin Formation) which outcrop in the area with static
water level (SWL) ranging from 8-65 meters depending on the location and the period of the year. The groundwater
flow direction is north-south. The lithologic-rlog of boreholes in the area revealed that 0-5 meters are lateritic-sand
followed by medium to coarse grained sand with clay bands occurring at greater depth. Well yield and drawdown
vary from 5424-231.50 m3/hr and 0.9-13.5 rneters respectively, while the hydrauli.c conductivity is approximately
3.55 x 1O-”zm/sec. All these values indicate high specific yield and good aquifer performance. Groundwater from
boreholes is the main source of water supply in the area, yet there are many failures. Some of the identified causes of
borehole failure in the area include: poor goophysical survey, poor knowledge of the local geology, insufficient
funding, improper borehole drilling supervisir:n, unprofessional and inexperienced delivery of borehole drilling and
post borehole completion problems. These problems can be remedied through proper geophysical survey; adequate
funding, employment of professi

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